PuriSorb LAS 20 TDS

Lead Based Arsine Guard Catalyst

Item NO.: PuriSorb LAS-20

PuriSorb LAS-20 is a versatile adsorbent designed to remove trace arsine, phosphine and sulfur from liquid and gaseous petrochemical feedstocks to protect the downstream catalyst or processes.

PuriSorb LAS-20 is especially suitable for olefinic streams containing acetylenes or dienes, which have a tendency to foul other types of adsorbent or catalyst.

PuriSorb LAS-20 is applied for purification of hydrogen-rich gases where other metal oxides cannot be used due to their reactivity toward the hydrogen content in the gas stream.

  • Composition: Promoted Al2O3
  • Form: Sphere: 2.0-4.0 mm or 3.0-5.0 mm spheres
  • Sock-loading Density: 760 kg / m3 ± 5% depending on loading technique
  • Crush Strength: 5.0 kg
  • Packaging: 25 kg in small bag, 150 kg in 200 liter metal drums, 1000 kg in 1,100 liter super sacks (IBC flexible)
  • Remove trace arsine, phosphine and sulfur from liquid and gaseous petrochemical feedstocks to protect the downstream catalyst or processes.

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