Vanadium Pentoxide Catalyst

Sulphuric Acid Catalyst

Item NO.: HyKat SAP-80R

HyKat SAP-80R series provides excellent activity under low temperature, high SO3 and low O2 conditions. Compared to most other similar catalysts, the performance of SAP-80 is significantly improved. Therefore, it is mostly used in the third pass of the 3+1 process or the third and fifth pass of the 3+2 process.

HyKat SAP-80R with the special formulation and processing technology can not only provide higher activity for long-time operation but also well solve the conflict between catalyst activity and crush resistance which makes the screening loss much lower.

  • Composition: Vanadium Pentaoxide
  • Form: 5-Ribbed Ring: 11.5 mm
  • Sock-loading Density: 420-580 kg/m3 depending on loading technique
  • Crush Strength: 4 kg
  • Operation Temperature: Process dependent between 420 and 550 °C
  • Packaging: 80 kg in 200 liter metal drums, 400 kg in 1,100 liter super sacks (IBC flexible)
  • HyKat SAP-80R Vanadium Pentaoxide Catalyst is designed for low temperature, high SO3 and low O2 conditions, SAP-80 is mostly used in the third pass of the 3+1 process or the third and fifth pass of the 3+2 process.

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