HyKat SAP S14R

Vanadium Pentoxide Catalyst

Item NO.: HyKat SAP-S14R

HyKat SAP-S14R series provides excellent activity under low temperature conditions. Compared to most other similar catalysts, the performance of HyKat SAP-S14R is significantly improved. Therefore, it is mostly used in the top bed of the first bed and low temperature beds and all the beds after the absorption.

The special formulation and processing technology of HyKat SAP-S14R can provide not only higher activity for long-time operation but also balance the catalyst activity and crush strength which makes the screening loss much lower.

Type:Cesium Promoted Vanadium Pentoxide(V2O5)

  • Shape: 5-Ribbed Rings
  • Diameter (OD/ID): 12-13/3.0-4.0 mm
  • Length:≥ 10 mm
  • Bulk Density: 420-550 kg/m³
  • Crush Strength:≥ 40 N/cm
  • Abrasion Loss:≤ 5 %
  • Ignition Temperature:340 ℃
  • Operating Temperature:370-550 ℃
  • Packaging:200 L Steel Drums (Net 96 kg)
  • Dry gas process, SO2 conversion to SO3 to produce sphuric acid

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